Here's Why We are of the utmost IMPORTANce TO YOUr business...


You need a recruitment firm that you want to collaborate with:

Let Workforce become an integral part of your team.


Turn-over is EXPENSIVE:

Let Workforce close the cost gap with the right fit for your business; the first time.


Business today is far from static:

Let Workforce manage the ebbs and flows that industry, the markets and daunting business cycles throw at you.


Workforce is Canada's solution to strategic human resource consultation and supply. Our client integrated model best anticipates and mitigates labour demands to ensure that only quality, trained individuals are sourced, screened and deployed to get the job done. We focus on providing skilled trades, labour and professionals to support the production, maintenance and development  of Canada's resurging economy.


We pride ourselves on the talent of our people, the capacity we have built in providing available resources and the dedication to achieve common goal – to plan, manage and execute labour as safely possible.